I came across a question on a philosophy site: "Is acting ethically needed so as to achieve pleasure and happiness?" I really can't find a way to address this question that would hold true to the entire population. However, in most circumstances I would have to say no. Of course, addressing people with a noticeably skewed moral compass is not the best argument for relating to our society. Most people aren't capable of living lives like Bundy and Maddof. Our ethical meter would no doubt be bothered by living in that smut. Psychopathic tendencies that leave our society emotionally or financially crippled. They no doubt, have found happiness in unethical means. Of course, there is the claim to happy living by most religious institutions. Which does deem that ethical living is important to a happy life, and in most cases I find that they are correct. Religious people can find a lot of happiness in flowing their clean living. However, most of us do not live this way. Most of us, also, would state that they are generally happy. So why does this line of ethics get so confused in our society?
We can look at this again in the well debated and widely studied nature vs nurture debate. I tend to lean more towards nurture and Locke's blank slate ideals; Alongside our physical make up of our brains and cognitive wiring. I've been watching a lot of documentaries on serial killers. I'm no saint, I can't turn away from the interest in the macabre. Where there is a lot of talk on Aaron Hernandez with the Netflix coverage on his life. Gay rumors aside, They have a lot coverage of CTE effects on Football players from multiple concussions. It has been widely covered that Hernandez did have significant brain damage that influenced his decision making, volatility, and aggression. The doctor had stated that it was the most advanced they have seen for someone his age. Couple with the problems that he struggled with as a kid it's not that surprising that he ended up committing the acts that he did. He was seemingly living a happy life from appearances, while reporting that he was miserable. It was not, however, because he was living unethically.
Let's address this with a means of people closer to behaving in ways that we deem normal. We don't in most accounts act all that ethically. We act the way that we believe is ethical. How many people drive 5 miles over the speed limit. Of course, most people will state that that is the flow of traffic and that should be what we follow. It makes sense but in all actuality we are acting unethically. Maybe some of you have cheated on your significant other. What, did you blame it on the alcohol? Maybe rationalized with the line: "I never loved that bitch anyways". Don't get me wrong I've heard this from men and women. Alcohol might make something more appealing but preemptive thoughts are in play. In the latter, your ethics is likely influenced by parental figure or friends praises. Maybe you are neglecting your responsibilities as a friend for a romantic interest. "But you love him". Right? Maybe for another three months. We justify our acts based off of what we deem important. What we feel like we need in our lives. Which in most cases is what we currently don't have. This line of thinking, the person will eventually serve it's purpose and become disposable. Correct your thinking, look into your current relationships.We find, again, our ethics get entangled with cognitive dissonance.
In most cases we don't regret our decision until long after the event took place. When we have developed clarity and the tinted shades have worn out. By that time that any corrective acts will not be welcomed with open arms. We may not be aware that we are acting unethically. We may not know how we influence other people. In the end, it is not important for us to act according to a standard code of ethics. Most of the time we are unaware of the fact that we are acting unethically. By the time we understand that, it has been too long and we don't make the effort to correct it. "You live and you learn". I know most people don't focus much on their mistakes. Maybe once in a while it will keep you up at night. By the next morning, however, we start our days again. Influenced by whatever our social compass now deems ethical, and we make new mistakes with our renewed ethical compass.